Friday, December 5, 2008

Never Be Afraid To Cry



"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

-Nelson Mandela

What is it about jet lag that ignites a flood of tears in me at the silliest things? Seriously! I was a bucket of tears a few nights ago watching “Akeelah and the Bee.” Don’t laugh. It’s a great movie, all about triumph and believing in yourself, and there’s a father/daughter connection that put me over the edge. (This is from the person who has watched “Father of the Bride” fifteen-thousand times and STILL cries no matter what.) Part of me being so teary might have had something to do with the fact that I traveled 4,000 miles in less than 36 hours. If that wasn’t enough, I watched a bit of the Revolve tour reality show on the Gospel Music Channel after the movie was over, and Group 1 Crew’s new single “Keys to the Kingdom” was featured on the show, as were their sweet faces. They are dear friends of mine, so of course seeing them made me cry (don’t laugh, Blanca, if you’re reading this!) because I hardly see them now that we’re all on the road so much and not living near each other.

Then I started reading Natalie Grant’s blog for inspiration, and I came across this incredibly moving video that started another sobfest. Click here to watch it. I soon realized that for many people, blogs don’t have to be paragraphs and paragraphs dissecting the nature of life and all the things that make them cry. Natalie is an amazing artist with a knack for writing shorter, meaningful blogs. Why am I so longwinded? I think Akeelah would call it being “loquacious.”

Friends, I hope I don’t sound like a broken record, but Sara Groves’ music has been speaking to me lately. “Hope has a way of turning it’s face to you just when you least expect it. You walk in a room, you look out a window, and something there leaves you breathless. You say to yourself, it’s been a while since I’ve felt this, but it feels like it might be hope.” - Sara Groves, “It Might Be Hope.” I feel hope in the air lately. I don’t what it looks like for you. I don’t know where you’re at. Sister, are you feeling unseen? Brother, do you need someone simply to smile at you, hug you, and tell you you are loved? Well, let me be that someone today, even if just through the words on this screen. You are not forgotten. You are loved. You are loved. You are loved. Be altogether you. No one can be a better you than you.
And never be afraid to cry. It liberates the soul...


Why Beauty Matters...



It's funny sometimes, the things that speak to our hearts. Al Andrews calls them "windows to the soul." You might laugh when you hear what
my most recent "window" was. First, some backstory. My first day off after being on the road for a while is always a day of rest for me. It's my Sabbath, if you will. Sometimes I spend it sleeping in, or reading my Bible, journaling, shopping, cooking, sometimes even doing laundry! I know, you call that rest? Yes, I love it. Every once in a while, I'll stick on TLC. I admit it. I was never one who watched makeover shows, but for some reason when it comes to "What Not To Wear," I just can't resist. Something about the way these women transform into confident beauties captivates me every time.

I was thinking about it on my last day off, after watching an episode about a girl, just 25, who didn't believe she was beautiful. She was stunning! I couldn't believe how poorly she looked at herself. What lie was told to her when she was young that kept her from seeing her true self? It got me thinking. We all know that beauty comes from within. Just read Proverbs 31:30, and you'll know what I'm talking about: "Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Or 1 Peter 3:3-4: "Let not yours be the merely external adorning of the hair, the wearing of jewelry, or changes of clothes, but let it be the inward adorning and beauty of the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible and unfading
charm of a gentle and peaceful spirit, which is not anxious or wrought up, but is very precious in the sight of God (AMP)."

So it's not the outward makeover that really counts, and it's usually not what gets to me. What usually hits for me about the show is the way these women begin to believe in themselves again. I wonder about beauty and why it matters to women so much. I believe it resonates so deeply in our hearts because we were created to be the expression of God's beauty--His crown of creation. There is something built into our very nature that longs to express and display beauty (read "Captivating" by John and Stasi Eldredge to get the full story). But the enemy of our souls wants nothing more than to squash every hint of self-confidence and belief in our beauty that he can. He doesn't want God's beauty being shown to a world that needs it so desperately.
Isn't it true? How many women are truly happy with the way they look? We all want to change something about ourselves. But if we really knew
how beautiful God thinks we are, I wonder what we would see when we looked in the mirror.

Ladies, you were fearfully and wonderfully made by the God of all creation who knew your name before the foundation of the world (Psalm 139:14). He delights in you the way a husband delights in His new bride. He can't get enough of you! You are His very special work of art, created in Christ Jesus unto good works (Ephesians 2:10). He rejoices over you with singing (Zephaniah 3:17)! Do you get it yet? He loves you SO much! You are His favorite!

I hope I encouraged someone today. Someone very wise once told me an analogy about beauty that has stuck with me, and I want to share with
you. He said something like this: "Looking at yourself and pointing out all the things that you don't like is like receiving a homemade birthday cake from a friend and telling them, 'Thanks, but I prefer vanilla cake to chocolate, blue sprinkles to green, and pink icing to yellow. I appreciate the gift, but you really could have done a better job.'" Whoa. Isn't that what we're saying to God? "God, you could have done better on me, and I'd like you to try again." Ouch. God created you with beauty to share with the world. He sees your heart, not your outward appearance. So trust the fact that He loves you and calls you beautiful. And celebrate the blue sprinkles!

Your (beautiful) sister, :)

What will you do?



Have you listened to Sara Groves? I can’t get enough of her music lately. I know she’s been around for years, but somehow I missed the boat. I only knew her singles and hadn’t paid much attention beyond that until a few weeks ago when I went to see her live in Nashville at the Art*Music*Justice tour (also featuring Nashville favorites Derek Webb, Sandra McCracken, Charlie Peacock, and Brandon Heath--talk about a great show). I was blown away by her unpretentious voice, her honest lyrics, and her poignant melodies. But I was even more moved by her heart for the oppressed. Friends, it shook me up. It challenged me to remember that we are not here only to live for ourselves. We are not called to be the richest, happiest people on earth. We are called to love until it hurts. I was reminded of that when I saw images of young girls in brothels flash up on the screen during Sara’s set.

She works with an amazing organization called International Justice Mission that you can check out here: According to their website, IJM is “a human rights agency that secures justice for victims of slavery, sexual exploitation and other forms of violent oppression. IJM lawyers, investigators and aftercare professionals work with local officials to ensure immediate victim rescue and aftercare, to prosecute perpetrators and to promote functioning public justice systems.” Their work is desperately needed and absolutely in line with God’s heart. His heart is for rescue, redemption, sacrifice, and most importantly LOVE, which encompasses all of the above.

I’ve been wrestling with this since that night. Where is my place in this crisis? What can I do to help? Well, I love how the Lord answers prayer.
Proverbs 31 has long been a favorite chapter of mine--it's all highlighted and marked up in my Bible. Every time I read it, I get hit with something
differently, and today verse 20 literally leaped off the page. It reads: "She [the virtuous woman] opens her hand to the poor, yes, she reaches out
her filled hands to the needy." Could it be any clearer? I want to be a virtuous woman, and that means giving to those in need, in some way or another. So today, I'm sharing what I learned about IJM and the issues they tackle with you, friends. Perhaps alerting you to this crisis will stir something in you. I trust that God can use anyone and any small thing to change the world. So what do you say? What can you give? What will you do? How about some world-changing?


"I see the young girl huddled on the brothel floor,
I see the man with a passion come and kicking down the door...
And when the saints go marching in, I want to be one of them."
- Sara Groves, "When the Saints"

Trusting an unpredictable God...



I think it’s probably bad form to quote your own song in a blog. I’m sure it is. But nonetheless, I’m reminded today how unpredictable God can be. When I think I know everything that’s coming, when I think I can put my life into a perfect little box, scheduling every moment to a “t,” that’s when God steps in to remind me that His plan is above my plan. His thoughts are higher than my thoughts, and His ways are higher than my ways. My plan is not infallible, not indestructible. God can change anything at any moment. Lord, let me never get too proud to forget that. I love You. I need You. Amen.





This time of year makes me excited--I start pulling out scarves and hats and sweaters and boots, and everything seems like more of an adventure because of the colder weather. I grew up in Florida, where fall means 79 degrees instead of 99. Ha! So temperatures in the 50s really mean something to me. I mean, I like the cold...most of the time. Eek!

God’s been teaching me a lot lately, showing me His handprint in small places. Songs are gateways to the soul, so I thought I’d share some records
and artists I’ve been listening to lately. Here are a few:

Seabird - “‘Til We See the Shore”

They are a new band, and they are fantastic. I like this record because it’s honest and emotional and unique. Check it out. My current favorite is

Brooke Fraser - “Albertine”

I’ve been listening to this album for a year, and I still love every time one of the songs comes up on my iPod shuffle. Brooke’s voice is beautiful
and raw, and her lyrics are smart. I was an English major, so I appreciate the fact that she’s a real wordsmith. Listen to the whole thing, but I love
the song “The Thief.” Poetry, anyone?

Monk & Neagle - “The Twenty-First Time”

Again, I’ve been listening to this record for about a year too, but it still makes me happy because it makes me think of my first fall in Nashville.
Check out “What Soldiers Do” and “Into Orbit.”

What have you been listening to? Let me know, I’d love to hear some new stuff!


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Domesticity and Time

Domesticity and Time

Yesterday, on a plane, I decided it was time. Time to learn how to sew. Actually, I’ve always wanted to learn, but what’s always stopped me from pursuing it has been the fact that I’m not any good at it...yet. What a foolish, self-imposed obstacle! Why let inexperience keep me from learning a new skill?

Maybe it’s more than that. I think feminism has caused a rebellion against female domesticity that has and will continue to hurt us if we let it. There is something very strong and beautiful about a woman who excels in the domestic arts. Cooking, sewing, knitting, decorating, cleaning, taking care of children: these are not skills to be deemed “beneath” any woman. True, there have been and will continue to be men around the world who take advantage of and demean women for their roles in society. I’m all for equality, and as a woman in a very male-dominated industry, I understand the difficulties surrounding a female’s role in, well, virtually any place other than the home. Yet I believe the skills our grandmothers and great-grandmothers spent time honing as young women and perfecting as they grew older are still valuable and worth taking a second look at.

So, alas. I am going to take a sewing class. I am also going to buy an old upright piano. I’ve wanted to do that for a year or more. I’m learning that life is too short to waste lots of time deliberating. Oh, and I’m going to buy a really good camera and learn how to shoot it. I’m experiencing too many things on the road to not be documenting them. So there it is. Hold me to it. I’m off to bake some cookies...
